I Like Women and My Mother Wants Me to Suffer Because of It

"Remember, I would rather not see you as a daughter, if I ever caught you dating a woman," my mom said. I still remember how my parents used to compliment me about my grades in school when I was younger. I was a good kid back then, no bad grades, no troubles, no bad behaviors. They had high expectations of me, although I was a mediocre in everything. I guess this just a burden of being the firstborn in the family. I should at least be a role model for my younger sister. At 12 I was a what peop

K Mézia –

It’s still not that hard to understand you. Other than being not mine, I think everything else is still the same. Your smell, your favorite kind of clothes, your grumpiness and your non-sense fear about going back home with your grandmother. We still share the same favorite food but not with movies —your favorite TV show is still Games of Thrones and I hate fantasies. We’ve been talking a lot, reconnecting, using body language because words suck and people interpret words differently. We talk using different mouths but it’s fine, both are wet and gross and the messages are still pretty well delivered. I can’t wait for our next talking session.

Menikmati Fast Food Tanpa Merasa Bersalah Saat Work from Home | Zomato

Situasi sekarang mengharuskan kita untuk berutinitas #DiRumahAja, dan itu mungkin mempengaruhi pola makan kita. Masak atau makan masakan rumah, kadang bosan dan maunya yang praktis aja, dan pasti sering kepikiran fast food. Kecepatan penyajian, keterjangkauan harga dan kemudahan untuk didapatkan adalah beberapa alasannya. Apalagi sekarang, bisa pakai layanan delivery atau take away, semua jadi semakin mudah. Memang, riset membuktikan bahwa kandungan gula, garam, dan lemak jenuh tinggi dalam fast